Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Your probably not going to believe this By: David Warlick PLN#4

In the article Your Probably not going to believe this I thought that it was funny to see little bobblehead dolls of Obama, Clinton, and McCain. I almost seamed that people are getting way to wrapped up in the political debate, because people made time to create something so ridicules as little political dolls. This article was made by David Warlick, who is a high school teacher. It seams that the only thing that matters to the candidates who are running for office is all of the publicity that is going around. I thought that it was a funny thing to see, because I have never seen anything like this before. The affect that this will have on the people as well as the world is, that everyone and the world will think that the only thing that matters in politics is the publicity. because that is all that they see all of the time, on the political ads, and every where. The affect that this article has on me is not really anything at all, because I mainly thought that the article was ridiculous. This article was especially interesting because the article was kind of hard to fallow for me at least. Ven though I thought that the article was interesting, I still thing that it was ridicules.

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