Monday, January 26, 2009

lost generation PLN # 19

In the video lost generation, I thought that the way the movie was made was so amazing! It was so cool to see how the information was read both ways (up, and then down), and it kind of showed how not all changes that happen in the world are not always a good thing. How the movie affected me was when it said that the person was going to have a kid before she was going to get married, because when my birth mom was 15-years-old when she had me, so I know how it could affect another life. How this short movie clip relates to this class, is that we are trying to change the world, so something like teen pregnancy doesn't happen and affect so many different lives. I thought that the video sort of showed how the world would be for many of the lives, if people did not take a stand and try to change the world, and how the world would be change if people did change the world.

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